Redesigned Early Impact Web site

It’s a big day at Early Impact today: after almost 10 years of being exclusively focused on developing and marketing ProductCart, our shopping cart software, we just officially released SubscriptionBridge, our new subscription management system.

Just like with most of what we develop, SubscriptionBridge is born out of our own experience running an ecommerce store. When we started selling subscriptions and processing recurring payments via Authorize.Net Automated Recurring Billing (ARB), we soon discovered that the system was missing a lot of features that we absolutely needed. And that’s how SubscriptionBridge got started.

As part of this launch, we’ve partially redesigned our Web sites.

Early Impact Redesign
  • now mostly hosts pages that apply to the company as a whole
  • is focused on ProductCart (and basically a replica of what used to be the Early Impact Web site, at least for now).
  • is focused on SubscriptionBridge
  • If you run a search, our custom Google search engine should return results across all of our Web properties (Google is indexing some of the new pages right now, so results will likely improve over time).

If you have any feedback on our updated Web sites, certainly let us know.

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