Why Up-Selling & Cross-Selling Are So Important to Your Ecommerce Success

If you’re an eCommerce business, you’re always focused on getting as many customers as possible. To get the sale, you employ a variety of marketing tactics to bring attention to your website. It’s exhausting to bring in anyone who has even a slight interest in buying a product. More importantly, you need to entertain and engage the loyal customers who buy frequently. What if there was a way to get the sales you need from fewer customers?

The tactics of up-selling and cross-selling are sure to increase your sales easily. Both methods will help you get more buys from customers who have bought from your business before or want to add something else to their cart. The following are explanations of each strategy and why they’ll work for your eCommerce.


Up-selling is intended to encourage customers to buy a more expensive or premium version of something they bought, which is in the same product grouping. It’s important to consider your customers’ needs whenever you are up-selling, because offering a product that is completely outside of their price range will not work. If you offer a different version of what they want with slightly more expensive modifications, then you might convince them to upgrade to something that accommodates all of their wishes.


The strategy of cross-selling is to sell additional or add-on products that work with a customer’s initial purpose. For example, if someone orders a mattress, you could try to sell them bed sheets in addition. Protection plans and guarantees are also an effective cross-selling tactic. It’s a great way to get visitors to add more to their cart once they get to the checkout page.


How to Use Them

Now that you’re familiar with the concepts of up-selling and cross-selling, you’ll be ready to successfully implement them in your eCommerce marketing strategy. Make sure you consider these suggestions when you use these selling techniques.

  • Don’t Oversell. It’s great to include a few product suggestions for whoever visits your website. However, customers are often annoyed if you throw products at them left and right. Make sure your product cart is still simple to go through and includes only a few steps or else your customer might get annoyed and not buy anything. Use these tactics in moderation to pique a customer’s interest.
  • Provide Deals for Bundles. If you’re cross-selling or up-selling, your customers will be more inclined to buy multiple items if they get a great deal. Offer a discount for purchasing however many products. You’ll still be making more money while encouraging your clientele the spend at least the minimum amount for a deal. Bundles help both the customer and the seller because the customer gets everything they need and more and the seller receives a better return.
  • Get to Know Your Customers. Tracking your customers’ order history is an essential component of cross-selling and up-selling. If you don’t know what someone is interested in, then how can you show them the products they would be likely to buy? Put analytics and a tracking system into place so you have access to each client’s data. That way, your sales strategies will be easy to perfect and personalized for every customer.

Do you need help starting your eCommerce sales plans? Feel free to reach out to us at ProductCart and give us a call at (800) 401-0353.

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