There’s all kinds of discussions happening in the ProductCart community every week, and some of them take place on the ProductCart forums at
- customers that discuss ideas about how to accomplish a certain task with ProductCart;
- developers talking about a new extension for ProductCart;
- store managers suggesting improvements to a certain feature;
- … and lots more!
There’s a lot to learn and a lot that you can contribute as well, and the forums are moderated by Early Impact staff, so spam is (almost immediately) removed and suggestions/requests are heard (they can’t always become part of the development roadmap, but they are definitely taken into account).
Now, if you want a quick way to stay turned to what’s happening in the ProductCart community, here’s two simple ways to do so.
- Bookmark this page:
It will take you to a summary of active topics in the last 7 days, organized by category. Here’s an example of how that page would look
- Subscribe to the RSS feed from the ProductCart forum, with your favorite RSS feed reader. For example, in the screen shot below the feed is added to a MyYahoo home page. You can find the RSS feed button in the top-right corner of the ProductCart forum (the orange “RSS” button visible also in the screen shot above).
See you on the ProductCart forums!