ProductCart programmer, Lee Simpson takes first place in Brainbench Games

ProductCart’s Lead Programmer, Lee Simpson competed  and won first place in the Brainbench Games this year. Brainbench is a worldwide competition that test users all over the world in 600 different categories. Each year, over 11 million members compete in this competition. Lee took first place in the category of “Active Server Pages”. Why is this important to ProductCart users? Because ProductCart is written in Classic ASP. ProductCart is so popular with developers and store owners because it is developed and programmed with such a talented group of individuals like Lee.

Lee Simpson, Lead Programmer

Lee Simpson, Lead Programmer


Lee has been with NetSource Technologies for over 10 years.  He has been leading the development on ProductCart since it was acquired back in April 2013, however he has been developing on the platform since 2005. He graduated from the University of Florida in Computer Science. Lee is also certified by W3Schools in ASP Development.

ProductCart has a bright future with Lee and other gifted programmers supporting it.

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