Top 3 Super-Charged Marketing Tips for Your ProductCart Store

It’s that time of year again, and everyone is finalizing their marketing strategy for the 2015 Holiday retail season. If you’re still looking for some more ways to drive traffic to your website, we’ve got some suggestions for you.  All of the strategies below are possible with your ProductCart store!

1. Facebook Ads

If you haven’t already tried Facebook Ads, now is the time! They’re an incredible value, and allow you to experiment with many different audience targeting strategies. Plus, since your ProductCart store (version 5x) is mobile, you’ll have no trouble handling all the mobile traffic that will inevitably come from the social network to your store.

Tips for Supercharging:

Use Facebook’s Custom Audiences to precision target your potential customers.  First, be sure to install an Audience Pixel and a Conversion Tracking Pixel on your website. Then you can easily retarget ads to your website visitors by creating a custom Website Audience. Take that a step further by creating a Lookalike Audience based on your website visitors. Finally, be sure to upload email addresses from your email newsletter program as well as ProductCart’s Newsletter Wizard to create a Custom Audience and Lookalike Audience from those subscribers and customers. Even customers who declined to subscribe to your newsletter can still be targeted on Facebook using their email address in this way.


2. Pinterest Ads

This one might be a little more difficult since Pinterest has not fully opened up availability of ads to everyone. However, if your Pinterest account has been active, and you see the “Promote” button when you log in to your Boards, then try it out! This strategy is great for any retailer whose customers are primarily women.

Tips for Supercharging:

You’ve already turned on the PinIt button via your ProductCart control panel (right?), but have you looked into Rich Pins for your products on Pinterest? You’ll need to apply, but Product Pins include real-time pricing, availability and where to buy. Instant gratification for your potential customers! Now add a promotion to those Rich Pins…


3. Retargeting Ads

You’ve gotten them to your website once, now remind them about your products and keep your site top-of-mind during the over-saturated Holiday season. You can retarget to your customers a few ways. We discussed Facebook above, but you can also craft a retargeting campaign via Google or a third-party like AdRoll.

Tips for Supercharging:

This one requires a little extra work because it involves installing tracking pixels in a few places, but the pay-off can be huge. Using the Google Shopping feed available in your ProductCart console, you can set up a Facebook Product Catalog. This is the first step in setting up Dynamic Product Ads on Facebook, allowing you to display ads to website visitors based on the specific product or group of products that they viewed or placed in their cart!




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