One Page Checkout Overhaul: What it means to retailers and developers

ProductCart 5.0 introduces its most powerful and flexible One Page Checkout system to date.  Redesigned from the ground up, the latest One Page Checkout takes cues from industry leaders like Amazon, Gap, and Old Navy, while staying true to the core ProductCart design...

PayPal Holiday Campaign can help drive sales!

As a ProductCart merchant, you already know we support PayPal... the fastest, easiest, and most secure way to accept credit cards and PayPal payments online. Whether your customers shop on PCs or mobile devices, PayPal optimizes the experience to help you capture more...

Subscriptions are hot. ProductCart is ready (and getting better!)

News that The Honest Company - an online merchant that sells diapers and other baby essentials as a monthly subscriptions - recently pick up a hefty $27 million in venture funding caught our eye today. Subscription-based businesses have been around for a long time,...
Online Payments

Why we chose PayPal for mobile checkout

Mobile commerce is getting hotter and hotter, with over $10 billion worth of products and services being purchased on mobile devices this year - according to Internet Retailer - and over 60% of shoppers saying that they are willing to buy using their phone during this...

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PayPal Payflow downtime: what to do

Lots of ProductCart stores use PayPal in one form or the other. If you are one of them, read on. PayPal is in the process of moving to a new data center They recently issued a notice about some planned downtime In the notice it wasn't terribly clear that the downtime...

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Around 5% of visits turn into an order

I recommend this online retail sales report by Coremetrics, which contains very interesting statistics on the most recent holiday season. For example:Between 4% and 5% of visits turned into orders on Black Friday and Cyber Monday during the 2011 holiday season.Over 5%...

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SubscriptionBridge officially released

After several months of internal use here at Early Impact, today we are officially releasing SubscriptionBridge, our subscription management system. SubscriptionBridge adds subscription management features (e.g. HTML notifications, ability to edit a subscription by...

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How do I activate “Bill Me Later”?

If you have a PayPal account, you might have seen recent promotional messages about the "Bill Me Later" service, which is part of the PayPal family (PayPal purchased "Bill Me Later" at the end of 2008).E-mails promoting this payment option were recently sent to...

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