The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is a data privacy and security law passed by the European Union (EU) which was put into full effect on May 25, 2018. The goal is to...

The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is a data privacy and security law passed by the European Union (EU) which was put into full effect on May 25, 2018. The goal is to...
Once upon a time, the phone numbers of every person known to us were kept in the archives of our minds. Phone numbers were another way to brand a business, but not anymore. With...
The idea of using lifestyle content to grow a business may seem irrelevant to sales. In the past, it has been ingrained in the minds of many businesspeople to push products, advertise sales, and deals on social media. Without breaking up your sales content, the...
It goes without saying that many consumers shop with their eyes. Sure, reviews left by people who already purchased the product are brutally honest and sometimes ruthless. But what closes the sale can often be the quality of the photo for the product you’re looking at...
If you’re an eCommerce business, you’re always focused on getting as many customers as possible. To get the sale, you employ a variety of marketing tactics to bring attention to your website. It’s exhausting to bring in anyone who has even a slight interest in buying...
An eCommerce company is nothing without a stellar marketing strategy. With all of your services online, it’s important that you understand the nuances of online communication and how to best market your business to consumers who occupy these channels. You can do...
It’s one thing to have an enticing website that generates leads, but it’s another thing to convert those leads into loyal customers. For eCommerce businesses, the ability to encourage visitors to come back to your website and complete a purchase is crucial. There’s...
With nowadays’ advanced digital platforms, it’s simpler than ever to run your own online business and attract a loyal customer base. Before investing your time in creating the most attractive online presence, keep these six common mistakes in mind in order to avoid...
Facebook is the largest social media platform on the planet today. Saying Facebook is massive is a bit of an understatement! At one point, many businesses built their entire clientele off of Facebook and using Facebook advertising. Unfortunately with the algorithm...
With the influx of advertising on social media recently, it should come as no surprise that social media is the apex for digital advertisers. Consumers get the bulk of their information from social media as opposed to more "traditional' means such as television or...
So you are up and running with your amazing eCommerce site. You have sales and clients and things are going great, but at some point, things may start to get a bit stagnant. depending on how often you get new inventory, it is possible that things can start to get...
The Holiday season is upon us! There is a distinct chill in the air signaling the coming of the winter and the start of the busiest shopping season of the year. You have probably been marketing like crazy and preparing for Cyber Monday. Your stock is ready, your...
The way people shop is changing. In today's digital society, people are starting to forego the traditional Black Friday shopping experience in favor of online shopping on Cyber Monday. Due to this shift in the way people shop, it is important that stores get on board...
In this digital age, it seems that many facets of traditional advertising are being overtaken by digital advertising. One of the largest changes we have noticed in recent years is the shift towards Influencer Marketing. While some are still skeptical of this newly...