Common Ecommerce Mistakes and How to Avoid Them

With nowadays’ advanced digital platforms, it’s simpler than ever to run your own online business and attract a loyal customer base. Before investing your time in creating the most attractive online presence, keep these six common mistakes in mind in order to avoid...

eCommerce Trends to Watch for in 2019

2018 is coming to a close and 2019 is creeping ever closer. For some, this is has been a "down" year when it comes to eCommerce business, but the winds are shifting and if these trends are any indication as to how 2019 will go, then I say the skies are blue and...
2019 eCommerce Trends

SEO Tips: How to Optimize your Products

ProductCart has some great built-in tools to help you automatically optimize your products for indexing in search engines. Many of these tools work automatically behind the scenes for a solid base-line. Then you can take a step further for additional SEO benefits....

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Why ASP is here to stay.

The development of new technology is moving quicker than ever. With so many new versions of Internet Information Servers (IISs), programming languages and operating systems being released, you may be wondering why ProductCart still uses ASP as its language of choice....

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5 Ways Video Can Increase Your Sales

Dear E-Commerce Business Owner, it’s time you recognize the latest trend in online marketing – videos. Perhaps you think videos are useless, or they’re too difficult to make, or they’re cheesy. Think again. Videos have become one of the most effective and popular...

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First Look at 2016: ProductCart v5.2

Happy New Year! Just when you had your fill of "year in review" articles, tech bloggers start rolling out the "first look" at 2016, and our Dev Team is no exception. The truth is 2015 wasn't a loud year for ProductCart news, but quietly behind the scenes, the Dev Team...

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